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What Are the Five Stages of Grief After a Divorce?

 Posted on May 21,2024 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerThere is a lot of emphasis placed on the divorce process, and for good reason. Getting divorced in Illinois is a massive legal undertaking that requires a skilled divorce attorney who knows how to navigate the process.

As if that is not difficult enough, many people who get divorced must cope with the five stages of grief, also known as the Kübler-Ross model. This model is usually used to explain how people feel after the death of a loved one. Because the human mind often treats divorce as a loss similar to death, the five stages of grief also apply to many people whose marriages come to an end.

Here are the five stages of grief as they apply to divorce.


There are many ways that spouses who are getting divorced experience denial. Some examples include:

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Should I Have My Spouse Evaluated in a Child Custody Dispute?

 Posted on May 16,2024 in Divorce

Wheaton, IL child custody lawyerIn any child custody dispute, an Illinois court tries to accommodate both the rights of the parents and the best interest of the child. When those two things conflict, the court will side with the child’s interests. To determine what is in the child’s best interest, courts can use several tools at their disposal, one of which is a psychological evaluation.

A psychological evaluation of one or both of the parents can be ordered by the court if the judge is concerned that the parent may be harmful to the child. However, a spouse can also request that the other parent be evaluated.

Psychological evaluations are taken seriously by courts and should only be ordered in certain cases. If you feel your co-parent needs to be evaluated, first speak with an Illinois child custody attorney who can advise you on how to proceed.

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Three Ways Your Spouse May Hide Money in Your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on May 07,2024 in Asset Division

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerWhen navigating an Illinois divorce, splitting assets in an equitable manner is crucial to the dissolution of the marriage process. But what if your spouse is not as forthcoming about his or her finances as you are? There are three common methods your spouse may use in an attempt to hide assets in your divorce. Understanding these tactics can ensure that, if your spouse does attempt to hide assets, you can be ready to identify his or her deceitful actions and make sure they do not influence your final divorce decree and damage your financial future.  

The knowledgeable attorneys at Goostree Law Group are ready to defend your rights throughout your divorce and ensure your spouse does not get away with any deceitful actions during the divorce process, such as concealing assets. With more than 80 years of combined experience, clients can trust that we know the law and are ready to fight for them.

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3 Ways an Affair Can Affect Your Divorce

 Posted on April 25,2024 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerNot all divorces are equal. Some divorces come suddenly and shockingly, while others are expected and a long time in coming. In the latter case, the spouses may have separated for months before the divorce. One of the spouses could have moved out, and one or both spouses may have found new romantic partners.

While there is no law against having an affair, it can affect your divorce and you should check with a qualified Illinois attorney before starting a serious relationship before your marriage ends. This article will discuss three ways an affair can affect your divorce.

Your Affair Can Affect Alimony

In many divorces, one of the spouses — called the “payor” — is required to pay alimony to the other spouse, called the “payee.” 

Under Illinois law, the payee can receive spousal support only as long as he or she is not in a “supportive relationship.” A supportive relationship is a relationship in which the partners are expected to financially support each other. This means:

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How Can I Get Lifetime Alimony in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on April 22,2024 in Spousal Maintenance

DuPage County, IL alimony lawyerWhen a couple gets divorced, one party is often required to financially support the other. This is referred to as spousal support, spousal maintenance, or alimony. Illinois law gives courts wide discretion in deciding whether alimony must be paid, how much payments should be, and how long they should last.

That being said, many factors go into consideration when a court makes decisions about spousal support. This article will discuss some of those factors and when a spouse may receive alimony for life. 

Keep in mind there is no actual formula that will tell you if you are entitled to lifetime alimony. The best way to determine this is to consult with an attorney who is familiar with the family courts in Illinois and can give you a professional assessment.

How Does a Court Decide Whether to Order Alimony?

When making decisions about alimony, a court will look at several factors, including:

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Will I Lose My Business in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on April 11,2024 in Asset Division

Wheaton, IL asset division lawyerOne of the painful realities of the divorce process is that you lose not just a spouse but can also lose financial assets. Asset division, which is the area of divorce law that deals with dividing a couple’s assets, is very complex and should be handled by a skilled divorce attorney.

The general rule under Illinois law is that any property or asset that was acquired by either spouse during the marriage should be equitably split with the other spouse upon divorce. There are exceptions to this, such as:

  • Inheritance

  • Gifts

  • Property acquired by using pre-marital assets as collateral

If you have a business, it may count as marital property depending on certain factors.

Is My Spouse Entitled to My Business?

There are a few cases in which your spouse may be entitled to part of your business. For example:

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Should I Establish Paternity in Illinois?

 Posted on April 03,2024 in Family Law

DuPage County, IL paternity lawyerIf you are an unmarried father in Illinois, you likely have questions and concerns about your legal rights and those of your child. Understanding your rights as a father, or your paternity rights, can be especially important if the parents’ relationship is strained and the mother is reluctant to involve the father in the child’s life.

Contacting an experienced family lawyer in Illinois who can help you understand paternity laws is the best first step to take. The attorney will discuss your legal options with you, such as making sure your relationship with your child is recognized in the eyes of the law. This is called “establishing paternity.”

Why Should Someone Establish Paternity?

A new father might consider establishing paternity to secure his legal rights, such as child custody and parenting time. But paternity also grants certain rights to the child, including:

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What Can I Do if My Spouse Has Pitted My Child Against Me in Illinois?

 Posted on March 20,2024 in Child Custody

IL custody lawyerWhen thinking about domestic abuse, physical violence often comes to mind. Of course, being physically harmed within your family is a horrible thing to experience. But something people discuss less often and can still be detrimental is emotional abuse. When one parent pits their child against the other parent, manipulating the child into having less of a relationship with them, this is a form of emotional abuse otherwise known as parental alienation, and it is a big problem for parents going through a divorce. If you believe your spouse is doing this to your children as an attempt to manipulate your child custody arrangement, speak with an experienced DuPage County, IL divorce lawyer to see what you can do about it.

What Is Involved in Parental Alienation?

When a parent manipulates their child against the other parent, it is a form of psychological and emotional abuse that can be extremely damaging to both the other parent as well as the child. The child trusts her parents to have her best interests at heart, so if one parent tells her that the other is dangerous, does not care about her, or has let her down, she might believe it rather than thinking that her parent is lying to her. She can gradually start to change the way she feels about the other parent.

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What Marriages Are Prohibited in Illinois?

 Posted on March 13,2024 in Family Law

IL divorce lawyerLiving in the United States affords you a great deal of freedom and civil liberties. People are largely free to make decisions for themselves and eat, wear, think, and do whatever they want unless what they want could pose a threat to them or others. That is why there are speed limits, food and drug regulations, rules about how a business needs to treat its customers, and countless other ways the law restricts us to protect the greater good.

One area you may not expect there to be regulations involves who you can marry. In the state of Illinois, certain types of relationships are prohibited. If your marriage falls under this category, it can be annulled, meaning you can end your prohibited marriage without needing a divorce. The law would simply recognize that it was never legal to begin with, and it is essentially canceled. If you have questions about the validity of your marriage, a Wheaton, IL family law attorney can offer you answers.

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How Are Offshore Accounts Handled in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on March 04,2024 in Asset Division

IL divorce lawyerA common divorce topic is the division of assets and property. Typical assets that a couple needs to divide in divorce include bank accounts, savings accounts, apartments, and cars. People with significant wealth sometimes have local bank accounts as well as offshore accounts abroad, which is perfectly legal. However, offshore accounts are of particular interest in divorce because they are sometimes used by a spouse to try to hide assets and avoid dividing them, which is not legal. If you are preparing for a divorce and are concerned that your spouse is using offshore accounts to hide assets, a knowledgeable DuPage County, IL asset division attorney can advise you on how to navigate this situation.

Why Would Someone Have an Offshore Account?

Some people have bank accounts in other countries if they also have a residence or business there. Overseas accounts can also be beneficial for international transactions as well as for various financial considerations. While using an offshore account to hide money from the IRS and avoid paying taxes you owe is illegal, managing your finances in multiple countries is not. However, hiding assets in offshore accounts in order to avoid dividing them with a spouse during divorce proceedings is against the law.

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