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If I am Already Married, is it Too Late for a Prenuptial Agreement?

 Posted on July 13,2023 in Family Law

Wheaton Family LawyerMany engaged couples feel that prenuptial agreements are unromantic. It can certainly feel less-than-hopeful when you and the person you are about to marry must discuss who keeps what in the event that you divorce later. During your engagement, you were likely focused on the details of your wedding and your dream of living happily ever after with your soon-to-be spouse. Once you are married, you may begin to think about whether you should have made a prenuptial agreement. Many married people believe that they have missed their chance to reach an agreement governing important issues. Fortunately, it is not too late to create what is called a postnuptial agreement. Both you and your spouse should be represented by an attorney when you begin the process of creating a postnuptial agreement. 

Why Should My Spouse and I Make a Postnuptial Agreement? 

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4 Myths About Prenuptial Agreements Debunked

 Posted on July 06,2023 in Family Law

Wheaton Divorce LawyerWhile most legal sources will strongly recommend using a prenuptial (or postnuptial) agreement in nearly all cases, there are quite a few negative things said about them. When you are engaged or newly married, you are likely to hear a lot of unsolicited advice pertaining to prenuptial agreements. Some of your friends may believe that these agreements are unromantic, while others may tell you that they are absolutely necessary in order to protect your personal assets in the event of a future divorce. It can be difficult to tell what is true about prenuptial agreements and what is misinformation. Before you begin working out an agreement with your soon-to-be spouse, it is best to speak with an attorney. An attorney can answer any questions you have about how prenuptial agreements work and what they should include. 

Common Misinformation About Prenuptial Agreements

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What Happens in a Divorce Deposition?

 Posted on June 29,2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerIn every court case, the parties have the right to discovery, where they can gather evidence that is in the possession of the other party. In addition to document requests, they can also personally question the other party and witnesses in a deposition. This proceeding can be crucial to your case, and it is essential that you are prepared. Your Wheaton divorce attorney would be in the deposition to defend you.

A Deposition Means Answering a Lot of Questions

Opposing counsel have a legal right to ask you questions, and they will pose quite a few of them during the course of the deposition. This proceeding will involve a series of questions, where the other attorney is attempting to gather information. The attorney may show you evidence and ask you questions about it, or they may ask a long series of questions. So long as these questions follow the proper rules (i.e, they are relevant, non-argumentative, non-repetitive, etc), you will need to answer them.

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Can Child Custody Issues Be Included in a Prenuptial Agreement?

 Posted on June 21,2023 in Family Law

Wheaton Child Custody LawyerWhen couples enter into a prenuptial agreement, they often want to include provisions related to property division and spousal support. However, some couples may also want child custody and visitation provisions. In Illinois, the state’s family law statutes do not allow couples to include child custody provisions in prenuptial agreements. If you need legal assistance in ensuring your prenuptial agreement is legally binding, contact a family lawyer to ensure you can create an ironclad prenup void of costly errors. 

How Are Child Custody Matters Handled in Illinois? 

Under Illinois law, decisions concerning child custody must be made with the best interests of the child in mind. The court has various considerations when making a custody determination, such as the child’s current relationship with their parents, the parent’s ability to care and provide for the child’s needs, and the age and gender of the child, among other things. While prenuptial agreements are designed to allow couples to make their own decisions about property rights and other financial matters when it comes to anything related to children, the law has determined this is an area that needs to be decided on an individual basis and, according to the child’s needs.

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Does Illinois Require Separation Before Divorce?

 Posted on June 16,2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerThe divorce process in Illinois is both complex and emotional. Understanding the state's divorce requirements is important to navigate it effectively. Separation is a significant requirement, but it is often misinterpreted.

Requirement for Separation

Illinois law mandates that spouses either live apart for six months in separate homes or declare that their marriage has broken down irretrievably; all reconciliation attempts have failed, and any future attempts would not be in the family's best interest. This rule is intended to allow spouses to reconsider and potentially reconcile before proceeding with the divorce. The six-month rule does not mean that the parties must remain apart for six months before filing for divorce. It means that they must have been living separately for six months before the date of filing.

Grounds for Divorce

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How Are Child-Related Issues Different in a High-Asset Divorce Case?

 Posted on June 07,2023 in Family Law

Wheaton Divorce LawyerHigh-asset divorce cases are divorce cases involving significant wealth. These types of divorces are often much more complicated than a typical divorce. Property division, spousal maintenance, and other financial issues are often a significant source of this complication. However, child-related issues can also be difficult to handle in a high-asset divorce.

Maintaining a Child’s Lifestyle

In high-asset divorces, children often expect a certain standard of living because of the family's financial resources. The child may attend a private school, receive one-on-one tutoring, or participate in expensive extracurricular activities. Illinois courts seek to preserve a child's standard of living and avoid divorce consequences that negatively impact the child. After all, divorce is between the adults, not the child.

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Understanding Shared Parenting Time in a DuPage County Divorce

 Posted on May 26,2023 in Family Law

Wheaton Family Law AttorneyDivorcing parents have many different options for raising their children as divorced co-parents. For some divorcing spouses, it makes sense for one parent to take most or all the parenting responsibilities and parenting time. For example, if one parent works in another state, frequently travels outside the country, is incarcerated, or cannot provide a safe home for the children, sole custody may be in the child’s best interests.

In other cases, parents want to share responsibility for their child and ensure they both spend enough time with the child. Illinois law used to refer to this type of arrangement as joint custody. However, the language used in Illinois child custody laws has since been updated. A custody arrangement in which both parents have a relatively equal amount of parenting time is called shared parenting time.

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What Happens to Our Vacation Home In A Divorce?

 Posted on May 24,2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerVacation homes are more than just a piece of real estate. Countless joyful memories were likely made in your vacation home, and the property has just as much sentimental value as it has financial value.

Understandably, disputes can arise when addressing ownership of a vacation home in an Illinois divorce. In this blog, we will discuss how vacation homes are handled during the divorce process and what you can do to receive personalized advice regarding property division issues and other divorce concerns.

Who Owns a Vacation Home if You Get Divorced?

Per Illinois law, marital property includes assets that either spouse purchased or otherwise obtained during the marriage. Property that was owned by a spouse before the marriage is usually non-marital property, but there are several exceptions.

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Am I Entitled to Alimony If My Spouse Makes Much More Money Than I Do?

 Posted on May 11,2023 in Family Law

Wheaton Divorce LawyerIn Illinois, alimony is referred to as spousal maintenance or spousal support. Maintenance payments relieve some of the financial burden created by divorce. The money may be used for housing, everyday expenses, or educational costs for a spouse who requires additional training or education to become financially self-sufficient after a divorce.

If you earn significantly less income than your spouse, you may wonder if you will be able to get alimony in your divorce. You may have been out of the workforce because you were a stay-at-home parent, homemaker, or simply relied on your spouse to provide the financial support you needed.

This blog will explain the main legal avenues through which a spouse can receive spousal maintenance, how spousal maintenance awards are calculated, and what the next steps are for anybody who wishes to pursue spousal maintenance during their Illinois divorce.

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Intellectual Property and Your DuPage County High-Income Divorce

 Posted on May 05,2023 in Divorce

DuPage County High Net Worth Divorce LawyerMany people move to the Chicago area to fulfill their dreams as creators. Actors, authors, musicians, artists, inventors, designers, and entrepreneurs flock to the Windy City and the surrounding regions, hoping to make a living from their unique creations.

Unsurprisingly, disputes regarding intellectual property are not uncommon in Illinois divorce cases - especially cases involving high-net-worth individuals.

If you are planning to divorce and you or your spouse have copyrights, patents, trademarks, contractual rights, royalties, or other intellectual property rights, make sure you understand how intellectual property is valued and distributed during divorce.

Intellectual Property May Be Considered Marital Property

Most people assume that a creator’s work is his or her property alone. However, Illinois law is clear regarding the classification of property: Any assets acquired during the marriage are marital property save for assets acquired through gift or inheritance. Assets acquired before the marriage or after legal separation are non-marital property. These rules apply to tangible assets such as real estate and bank accounts as well as intangible assets such as intellectual property rights.

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