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Child Support Calculations When Parents Have Especially High Incomes

 Posted on April 21, 2023 in Family Law

DuPage County Divorce LawyerIf you are planning to divorce and you or your spouse has significant financial assets, it is important to know how this wealth can influence the divorce process. Not only are financial issues such as property division more complicated, wealth can also influence child support calculations

In Illinois, child support is typically based on a standard formula. However, Illinois courts may deviate from the typical formula and use other means of calculating child support in high-income divorce cases.

Child Support Guidelines and Deviations

Each state handles child support slightly differently. Until a few years ago, Illinois determined child support solely using the paying parent’s income. The amount a parent paid in child support was based on a simple percentage of his or her net income. In order to create a more equitable situation for both parents, child support is now based on both parents’ income.

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What is a Conciliation Conference in a Divorce?

 Posted on April 14, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerIt is hard to know when a marriage is truly over. Many couples go through rough times but are able to reconcile and work out their differences. For other couples, the differences are too great to overcome. Determining when reconciliation is possible and when it is time to end the marriage is not easy. In some divorce cases, the court may require the couple to attend a conciliation conference. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether it is possible to salvage the marriage or whether it is better to continue with the divorce.

Determining Whether the Marriage Can Be Saved

Divorce is final so it is crucial that the couple is certain of the decision before proceeding. If there is a question as to whether the couple truly wants a divorce, a conciliation conference may be needed.

Conciliation conferences are often used when one spouse believes that the marriage can be revived. Either spouse may petition the court for a conciliation conference or the court may require the couple to attend a conciliation conference. The conference is essentially one last chance to save the marriage.

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Can We Remain Co-Owners of Our Business if We Get Divorced? 

 Posted on April 07, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerFor business owners, the last few years have been some of the most challenging they have ever faced. COVID-19 lockdowns, supply chain interruptions, record-high inflation, and worker shortages have all had a ripple effect on small businesses.

Divorce is not just hard on couples, but also on the business they own together. When two married business owners decide to get divorced, deciding what to do with the family business is often a top concern. Many divorcing spouses wonder whether they can continue to run the business together after their divorce.

Legal, Financial, and Emotional Implications of Co-Owning a Business with an Ex-Spouse

Business owners have the right to enter into a business partnership with anyone they choose. The question of whether ex-spouses can co-own a business is not the primary question in a situation like this. The main question is whether the spouses should co-run a business.

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What is Divorce by Publication?

 Posted on March 29, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerDivorce is never easy. However, some people experience significant challenges when initiating a divorce. For some spouses, simply finding their spouse and serving the divorce petition is the hardest aspect of the split. If your spouse has gone missing or you do not know their whereabouts, how do you get divorced? In this blog, we will discuss divorce by publication and when you may be granted a divorce without your spouse’s participation.

Ending Your Marriage When You Cannot Locate Your Spouse

The spouse who initiates a divorce is called the petitioner. Typically, the petitioner “serves” or delivers the divorce petition to the other spouse, called the respondent. The petitioner may also hire a sheriff or special process server to serve notice of the divorce to their spouse. However, if the spouse cannot be located the situation becomes more complicated.

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What Happens to Fine Art in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on March 22, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Family Law AttorneyFor art lovers, an art collection is much more than an assemblage of art. It is an emotional connection, a source of pride and joy, and a representation of their investment in the world of art. Fine art may also be one of the most valuable assets a person owns. If you or your spouse have an expensive art collection and you plan to divorce, it is important that you understand how the artwork will be handled during the property division phase of the divorce process.

Classification and Ownership of Fine Art in a Divorce

Fine art may be classified as marital property or non-marital property in a divorce. If a spouse owned a piece of art before getting married, the artwork is typically non-marital property. Art may also be classified as non-marital property if it is excluded from the marital estate through a prenuptial agreement. If a spouse purchased or received a piece of art during the marriage, it may be classified as marital property in an Illinois divorce. If artwork is a marital asset, both spouses have an ownership interest in it, and the spouses will need to divide the value of the asset between themselves during the divorce.

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How do Subpoenas Work in a Divorce Case? 

 Posted on March 15, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerDivorce cases vary significantly in complexity. When spouses own few assets and are willing to cooperate with each other and comply with the divorce process, the marriage can be dissolved with relative ease. However, high-asset divorce cases and high-conflict divorce cases are rarely this straightforward.

Divorce lawyers have many different legal tools at their disposal during a divorce case. One such tool is a subpoena. Subpoenas are court orders requiring individuals to appear in court and provide testimony or documents related to the case. In a divorce setting, they can be used to compel a spouse to turn over financial records, produce emails and text messages, or give statements about their marital assets.

When and How Are Subpoenas Used in a Divorce?

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Getting Divorced When a Spouse Has Money in an Offshore Account

 Posted on March 08, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County High Net Worth Divorce LawyerMost people have bank accounts in the country in which they primarily reside. However, it is not uncommon for high-income individuals to have “offshore accounts” in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, Belize, or other countries. Although we often hear the term “offshore account” in conjunction with illegal activity in news stories, having bank accounts in other countries is perfectly legal. However, overseas accounts are sometimes used to hide assets during a divorce case.

Overseas Bank Accounts in Your Illinois Divorce Case

An offshore bank account may be used to reduce an individual's tax burden or make international business transactions easier. However, offshore accounts are also sometimes used to hide money from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Similarly, some divorcing spouses hide money in an offshore account to avoid dividing the funds during a divorce.

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How Do High Asset Divorces Differ From a Typical Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on February 28, 2023 in Asset Division

IL divorce lawyerDivorce is a complicated and emotionally fraught process, but for couples with a high net worth or who have high-value assets to divide, the divorce process can be even more complex. Careful planning is often necessary to ensure that both partners have access to relevant financial information so that an equitable asset division can be arranged. Furthermore, even issues that are not related to asset division, such as child support, can be affected by exceptionally high incomes. If you are in the beginning stages of divorce and are looking for help from a great team of highly experienced high net worth divorce attorneys, read this blog for a brief overview and then contact Goostree Law Group.

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How Can I Protect My Privacy During Divorce?

 Posted on February 22, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerDespite the sense that everyone today lives primarily on their phones and shares every detail of their lives through social media, many people still prefer to take a quiet, less public approach. Furthermore, certain people - such as local and national political representatives, celebrities, and leaders in major companies - have a vested interest in maintaining privacy as much as possible.

Divorce can pose a challenge to those who prefer to maintain privacy, especially if the divorce is acrimonious or the couple’s relationship has been subject to public scrutiny. However, there are ways to protect the privacy of individuals getting divorced, as well as the privacy of their children. Read on and then contact an Illinois high profile divorce attorney for help.

Strategies for Keeping Divorce Private

One of the best strategies for people going through a divorce and hoping to keep it private is to stay off social media. Even if you think you have your profile on the most restrictive settings, it is easy for someone to see and share information that you thought would stay among family and close friends. Instead, experts suggest that divorcing spouses refrain from sharing anything on social media at all, including seemingly harmless photos of themselves out on vacation, shopping, or at dinner. If the divorce gets hostile enough, just about anything can be used as an evidentiary weapon.

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Could a Private Investigator Help with My Divorce Case?

 Posted on February 17, 2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerBefore filing for divorce in Illinois, many people suspect for years that something might be “off” without having hard evidence to prove it. Maybe you find yourself wondering if your spouse is cheating on you; maybe your shared bank account seems to be missing money and your spouse is defensive about where it is going. Whatever the reason, if your spouse is hiding something from you that could be serious enough to make you consider a permanent solution like divorce, you will want to be sure. Read on to find out how a private investigator may be able to help you get the information you need to make an informed decision.

What Can a Private Investigator Do?

Private investigators are individuals who specialize in finding information, but they are not typically police officers or detectives (and when they are, they are not working in their capacity as a law enforcement officer when sidelining as a PI), and they cannot break the law. This often leads to the question - what exactly can a PI do?

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