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What You Should Know About Working with a Divorce Coach

 Posted on January 23, 2019 in Divorce

Napervile divorce coach If you are struggling with thoughts of divorce, the divorce process, or recovering from a recent divorce, an experienced divorce coach can provide the support that you need. Separation brings with it an entire life change, not just for you, but also for your children and close family members. It is an adjustment for everyone involved. A divorce coach can help you to understand and work through a wide range of emotions and also provide support for your situation.

What a Divorce Coach is Not

Before we begin discussing what a divorce coach is, let us explain what it is not. A divorce coach is not a doctor, nor is coaching clinical in any way, as is therapy or counseling. Rather than delving into your past to uncover the underlying causes of your problem, or assuming the existence of a mental health concern, a divorce coach assists you with the divorce process, guiding you to attain your goals, work through decisions, and progress through transitions. A divorce coach will not provide a diagnosis of any kind; and although they can work in conjunction with an attorney, they are not a substitute for your attorney.

How a Divorce Coach Can Help

A divorce coach serves in a mentorship capacity throughout the divorce process, assisting clients in taming the emotional roller coaster. As humans, when we are overly sensitive, rational thought may not always be at the forefront, and our decision-making and communication skills suffer. With our emotions in check, the overall divorce process progresses smoother. Your coach can also help you understand what is coming next, assist you in evaluating your priorities, and advise on a compelling strategy so you can go into the meeting with the attorney cool, confident, and collected. You coach will work directly with your legal team to help guide you through the challenging process, and provide you with feedback along the way. Benefits of using a coach include:

  • Clarification and evaluation of your choices and situation;
  • Understanding legal options;
  • Considering all possible challenges;
  • Strategize necessary steps;
  • Navigation through stress and emotions;
  • A boost in confidence;
  • Unwavering support; and
  • Lessons in practical communication skills.
  • Speak Directly with a DuPage County Divorce Coach

If you are considering divorce, currently going through the process, or recovering post-divorce, an experienced Wheaton divorce coach can help. At Goostree Law Group, our certified divorce coach will help provide you with the necessary support, motivation, and encouragement to help you navigate the process and become a stronger version of yourself in the end. Schedule your free consultation today to learn about your legal options or how you can benefit from working with a coach by calling 630-364-4046.





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