4 Tips to Help You Prepare For Your Illinois Divorce
According to statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth, around 22% of all marriages end within the first five years, and an estimated 53% of marriages dissolve by the 20-year mark. With these statistics in mind, it is not surprising that divorce is common for Americans. Getting a divorce has been said to be one of the most stressful life events, second only to the death of a loved one. One of the ways you can help alleviate some of this stress is by effectively preparing for the end of your marriage. Here are a few tips to help you get your affairs in order before you begin your divorce:
Get a Clear Picture of Your Finances
First, you should have full knowledge of your financial situation. It is not uncommon for one spouse to be more in tune with the family's finances than the other. However, it is important to be in the loop when it comes to your income, assets, expenses, and other financial matters, since everything will be divided in the end. Make a list of all of your marital assets and debts so you can figure out what you actually own and owe. Next, make a preliminary budget for what you need to live off of after the divorce is said and done. This will help you figure out what you should fight for during the asset division process and whether you might be eligible to receive spousal maintenance.
Talk With Your Children
If you have children, you are probably worried about how your divorce will affect them. Many parents are hesitant about getting a divorce, because they do not want to hurt their children. However, ending a marriage that is full of conflict and arguments can often be the best thing for your kids. Studies have shown that children who have divorced parents often have fewer emotional issues than those whose parents stayed together but were unhappy with each other. If you have children, the first step to a healthy transition period is to talk to them about the divorce and explain to them what is happening. You might be surprised at how much they understand, and they may even have a positive opinion about the upcoming changes to their lives.
Let Yourself Grieve
Getting a divorce is the ending of a serious and substantial part of your life. It is only natural to feel a sense of loss or sadness once you decide to end a relationship that you thought would last for the rest of your life. While this can be an emotionally difficult time for you, you should allow yourself to feel whatever comes naturally to you. Grieving is the first step of the healing process, and it often allows you to come out of the divorce with a positive mindset.
Hire a Skilled DuPage County Divorce Lawyer
If you want your divorce to go as smoothly as possible, you should work with a Wheaton, IL divorce attorney who has plenty of experience helping families through this difficult time. At the Goostree Law Group, our attorneys have more than 80 years of combined family law experience, and we can help you with everything divorce-related, from asset division to child custody issues. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-364-4046.